My pottery is inspired by nature and slow living in the heart of the Red River Gorge of Kentucky. I shape, carve, and glaze each piece with a deliberate and intentional approach. The unhurried pace of life in this region influences my creative process, allowing me to focus on the physical textures and visual details that make each piece unique. By drawing on the natural patterns of the landscape and corbin sandstone cliff lines, I create functional pottery that embodies the allure of the region and adds a touch of beauty to your daily routine.
I create every piece from start to finish from clay manufactured in Southeastern Kentucky. I work primarily on the pottery wheel, throwing traditional forms and then altering them by carving the surface to create unique textures. Each piece is bisque fired, and is dipped and sprayed with layers of custom-made glaze, and then fired a second time to over 2200F. The second firing brings out unique interactions between the raw materials of each glaze that break on the surface, enhancing the carved textures and revealing the dark clay body underneath.
Want to see more of Molly's work?
Check out my portfolio to see my ceramic installations and gallery pieces